Welcome to the World of Nibirum

Map of the day

Rorial Halls Rest Area Blocker

The world of Nibirum is a community atlas project that is all about mapping the complete world together. Starting with a common world map, ProFantasy community members are mapping the various regions of this world. Each map is created by a single mapper, and then other mappers create detail maps from the interesting locations of that map, fleshing out the areas, and providing other interesting areas where new mappers may create detail maps from their maps, and so on.

This project contains maps at all levels, world, continent, country, local area, city, floorplan and dungeon maps, just to name some of them. All the maps in this atlas are made using Campaign Cartographer 3+, but you don't have to be a CC3+ user to use the maps found here.

These maps are all available in both Campaign Cartographer 3+ file format and also available as high resolution PNG image files, and is available for anyone to download and modify for their own use. If you are a CC3+ user, you can edit the maps to fit your own needs. Do note that the maps come in a variety of styles, so not all map will be usable unless you have the related addons. While you are welcome to edit the image files too, this is more difficult given the nature of flat image files.

The atlas can be browsed through the interface on this website, but for actual gaming use, you should download the complete atlas in CC3+ format from the download page, or download high-resolution PNG files from the individual map pages in the online browser. The CC3+ version of the atlas comes in a hyperlinked package, so you can open the top map in CC3+, and then browse through them by clicking on interesting places on the maps in the same way you can do on this website.

Many of the maps in this atlas comes with descriptions. These are downloadable from the website, and are also embedded in the CC3+ files as map notes. Use these to get inspiration for how to use the maps, or ignore them completely and fill the map with your own imagination instead. Remember that the CC3+ maps are editable, so you can easily change names and labels as well to make them fit your needs.

Note that we are always looking for people to contribute maps to this atlas. See the How to Contribute link in the menu for additional information on this.


900+ Maps

Recently, the atlas reached the milestone of 900 maps, and it is still growing. Below is a collage of some of the maps currently in the atlas. Click the browse link in the main menu at the top to see these maps and more in the atlas.

Map Collage

Mapped with CC3+
ProFantasy Software Ltd
ProFantasy Community forum
Community Atlas Project discussion thread

Please do not link directly to files or images on this server. Either link to the atlas main page (http://atlas.monsen.cc), or for links to individual maps, use the link that appear below each map in the map browser. Thank You.

This Atlas is a community project, and is not affiliated with ProFantasy Software Ltd.